Derringer Discoveries - A Music Adventure Podcast

Now in our 5th year, with listeners in numerous countries, this is Derringer Discoveries - A Music Adventure Podcast. Meet Team Derringer: Laura, Alton, and Paul. Episodes drop twice monthly. Subscribe to our free newsletter at

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Wednesday Nov 02, 2022

The Turnip Music Radio Top 25 music chart for November 2022 contains the latest releases from artists all over the US and the UK - songs by up-and-coming artists, as well as songs from world-renowned bands. Team Derringer shares the top 10 songs from the TMR Top 25 chart as well as insight into the meanings of the songs from some of the artists themselves.
Which artist will enjoy the coveted #1 spot for the month of November? Will it be an exuberant young artist or a seasoned veteran of the music industry? Listen in as Team Derringer counts down the Top 10 songs on the Turnip Music Radio Top 25 for November 2022. Hear a music snippet of each song while the team provides brief bios of the artists. Be sure to check out this month’s roster of top-notch talent!
Every month, Turnip Music Radio, a Derringer Discoveries-affiliated music curator, publishes the Turnip Music Radio Top 25 Spotify music chart that reflects our current 25 favorite new songs by recording artists worldwide. The TMR Top 25 focuses on fresh folk, adult rock, alternative rock, rock & roll, and power pop. The chart is populated each month with fresh new music as voted on by our global panel of esteemed music critics known as the Turnip Tillers (a.k.a. "The Tillers"). Each month The Tillers select new music, chosen from the TMR Compelling & New playlist, to promote to the TMR Top 25.
So, you think you know music? Why not join our illustrious (but motley) crew of music aficionados? You can apply to join the ranks of the Turnip Tillers! To do so, simply go to and tell us a little about yourself.
For more information about Turnip Music Radio, visit our website:
The Turnip Music Radio Top 25 playlist:
Check out our monthly #1 songs by streaming the Turnip Music Radio Best of 2022 playlist. Please subscribe to the Derringer Discoveries podcast so you’ll never miss an episode. Thanks for listening to Derringer Discoveries!
© 2022 Derringer Discoveries | All Rights Reserved

Ukraine’s In.Vade (EP39)

Sunday Oct 16, 2022

Sunday Oct 16, 2022

While the world has watched in horror at Russia’s evil invasion of Ukraine, the people of Ukraine fight for victory but wish for peace. Still, out of the chaos of war comes compelling music.
In this episode, Team Derringer had the honor and pleasure of interviewing a Kyiv-based rock band, In.Vade, featuring guitarist-producer Ilia Kaplunenko and vocalist Elisabeth (Lisa) Shefer. The interview took place via Zoom on September 5, 2022. At the time of our interview, the war was relatively distant from Kyiv; however, since then, Russia has launched artillery into civilian areas of major Ukrainian cities, including Kyiv.
Team Derringer (Paul, Laura, Alton, and Dave) share their top five songs by In.Vade while Ilia and Lisa reveal the history and creative processes behind creating their music. Hear their musical influences and learn how they even wrote a song with plans for a major Ukrainian artist to sing and record with them… unbeknownst to him at the time.
Please join all of us here at Derringer Discoveries in praying for safety and peace for the people of Ukraine and especially for our friends, Ilia and Lisa.
Learn more about In.Vade and link to their videos here:
Contact Derringer Discoveries at our website:
Derringer Discoveries Episode 31: Listening to Ukraine:
Derringer Discoveries Artists for Ukraine playlist:
Please subscribe to Derringer Discoveries on your favorite podcast platform. By doing so, you’ll never miss a future episode. And do us a favor, tell your friends, family, and fellow music lovers about Derringer Discoveries. Many thanks!
Our theme song, Your Sister's Room by the band Ho Jo Fro, is available on most digital streaming platforms.
© 2022 Derringer Discoveries | All Rights Reserved

Saturday Oct 01, 2022

This month’s Turnip Music Radio Top 25 music chart is comprised of a global pool of exceedingly talented artists ranging from undiscovered gems to universally recognized names in the music industry.
Discover which artists land in the Top 10 positions of the Turnip Music Radio Top 25 music chart for October 2022. Will your favorite seize the coveted Number One spot? Listen in as Team Derringer counts down the Top 10 songs and shares artist feedback from London-based Si Connelly and an up-and-coming artist out of Oakland (California), Caitlin Cobb-Vialet. Hear song snippets and artist backgrounds for the top ten songs on the Turnip Music Radio Top 25 for October 2022.
Every month, Turnip Music Radio, a Derringer Discoveries-affiliated music curator, publishes the Turnip Music Radio Top 25 Spotify music chart that reflects our current 25 favorite new songs by recording artists worldwide. The TMR Top 25 focuses on fresh folk, adult rock, alternative rock, rock & roll, and power pop. The chart is populated each month with fresh new music as voted on by our global panel of esteemed music critics known as the Turnip Tillers (a.k.a. "The Tillers"). Each month The Tillers select new music, chosen from the TMR Compelling & New playlist, to promote to the TMR Top 25.
Visit our website for more information about Turnip Music Radio:
The Turnip Music Radio Top 25 playlist:
Check out our monthly #1 songs by streaming the Turnip Music Radio Best of 2022 playlist.
Thanks for listening to Derringer Discoveries!
© 2022 Derringer Discoveries | All Rights Reserved

The Dead After Death (EP38)

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022

Which band has hundreds, possibly thousands, of cover bands? Which band has produced 22 spin-off bands?  Which band has a fan-based so dedicated that their devotees have developed their own culture and follow the band from show to show, city to city? Which band brought in more touring revenue in the 1990s than any other band except The Rolling Stones?  If you answered “The Grateful Dead” to any of these questions, you’d be right.
In this episode, guest host Barret Derringer joins Team Derringer to explore all things Dead. The team briefly explores the band’s history, passion for touring, and reputation as the godfather of jam bands. Barret reveals her experiences as a Deadhead and shares her thoughts on the bands that have carried on the tradition of the Grateful Dead since the 1995 death of Jerry Garcia, one of the band’s founding members.
Listen in as Team Derringer discovers that there’s a Touchhead in their midst and find out which Grateful Dead songs are among the team’s favorites.  All songs mentioned in this episode can be found on the Derringer Discoveries Spotify playlist: The Dead After Death.
Please subscribe to Derringer Discoveries wherever you listen to podcasts. Doing so lets us know that you enjoy our content and ensures that you’ll never miss a future episode. Tell your friends, family, and fellow music lovers about Derringer Discoveries.
If you’d like to learn more about Derringer Discoveries and the artists that we feature, please check out our website:  While you’re there, sign up for our free newsletter – or you can simply visit: (Did we mention that the newsletter is free?)
We encourage your comments and feedback, both positive and negative.  Let us hear from you! Send us an email at
Our theme song, Your Sister's Room by the band Ho Jo Fro, is available on most digital streaming platforms.
© 2022 Derringer Discoveries | All Rights Reserved

Thursday Sep 01, 2022

This is the Top 10 from the Turnip Music Radio Top 25 for September.  This month, the Top 10 features artists from America, United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and South Africa.  Check out the rest of the Top 25 for additional artists from Japan and Canada.  In America, two of the artists call Chicago home and other represented cities include Los Angeles, San Jose, Philadelphia, Washington (DC), Rochester (NY), and Charlottesville (VA), home of Derringer Discoveries.
Listen in as Team Derringer (Paul, Laura, Dave, and Alton) counts down the Top 10 from this month's crop of new music.  Enjoy song snippets, artist insight, and witty banter, plus a surprise appearance from the artist whose song hit #3 on the Top 10 this month.
Discover which artist on this month's Top 10 has had two US Top 40 hits on Billboard and which artist recently hit #1 on the Billboard US Heatseekers Chart.
Each month, Derringer Discoveries publishes the Turnip Music Radio (TMR) Top 25 chart featuring new songs voted on by our Turnip Tillers (i.e., special listeners), as culled from our TMR Compelling & New playlist.
The songs on Compelling & New come to us three ways: (1) as direct submissions at our website; (2) as submissions via (UK), and (3) as recommendations made by our Turnip Tillers.
Anyone submitting a song recommendation for Compelling & New will need to first subscribe to our free newsletter, easily done at our website
If you want to check out the songs on the Turnip Music Radio TMR Top 25 chart for September 2022, you'd better hurry!  Once the month has ended, the Top 25 playlist will be refreshed with a whole new batch of songs from artists the world over.
The #1 song from each month for 2022 will become a finalist for Song of the Year.  In December, we will submit a ballot to our Turnip Tillers containing the twelve #1 songs from 2022 and the Tillers will decide Song of the Year.
If you want to become a Turnip Tiller, please apply at our website.
Send your comments to us at You can also find all our featured playlists, such as the Turnip Music Radio Top 25, on our website: While you’re there, please sign up for our free newsletter!
Subscribe to Derringer Discoveries wherever you listen to podcasts. Doing so lets us know that you enjoy the content and look forward to future episodes. Tell your friends, family, and fellow music lovers about Derringer Discoveries.
Indifference by Ho Jo Fro is the theme song for the TMR Top 10 Countdown and is available on most digital streaming platforms.
© Copyright 2022 | All Rights Reserved | Derringer Discoveries

Orbison to Jeremy (EP37)

Monday Aug 15, 2022

Monday Aug 15, 2022

Is it true that, up until now, Paul Derringer has resisted covering the legendary Roy Orbison simply because Paul has trouble saying Orbison's first name?  Is it also true that Jeremy Lublin of Jeremy & The Harlequins from Brooklyn, New York, forced Paul's hand by requesting to be paired with Orbison for this episode? Listen in and find out as Paul makes his midnight confession out loud for all to hear!
In this episode, Laura, Alton, Dave, and Paul (a.k.a. Team Derringer) utilize Spotify to conduct a witty, fast-paced, fact-based, snippet-filled countdown of Roy Orbison's All-Time Top Five songs.  Along the way, members of Team Derringer invoke the mysterious Derringer Handbook whenever it suits their needs, even though Laura Derringer questions the Handbook's very existence.
Next, citing their personal favorites and culminating with the #1 choice by the Turnip Tillers (i.e., special Derringer Discoveries listeners) as featured on the Turnip Music Radio Top 25 playlist, Team Derringer reveals the Top Five songs by Jeremy & The Harlequins.  For each song revealed, front man Jeremy Lublin (a.k.a. Jeremy Fury) offers exclusive insight into each song's lyrics and background.
If you are a fan of Jeremy & The Harlequins, you will gain new appreciation for their songcraft and hypnotic delivery.  If you have not yet heard of them, we predict that you will fall in love with their infectious songs. The time to grab on is now as they are about to embark on their next tour, starting September 2022.
If, after hearing this episode, you do not immediately find yourself spontaneously and joyously exploring the catalogs of these two impeccable artists (Orbison and Jeremy), then we - Team Derringer - have failed in our never-ending quest to help you discover and re-discover the best of what music has to offer!
We believe that, if you listen to this episode, you will want to dance! You will want to sing! You will want to dive in! Join us as we take you on this adventure - a musical adventure!  And let us know if we failed or succeeded!  Send your opinions (comments, remarks, judgments, or pronouncements) to  Send any positive comments to Alton's attention and address all negative comments to Paul. 😂
All of the songs featured in this episode can be found in the order presented on our Spotify playlist, Orbison to Jeremy. Click "Like" (🧡) and stream our playlist to support the artists featured on it.  Your streams and "Likes" bring much happiness and make the world a better place.
You can also find all our featured playlists, such as the Turnip Music Radio Top 25 on our Derringer Discoveries website.  While you’re there, please sign up for our free newsletter! (Did we mention that it's free?) When you sign up for our free newsletter, it lets us know that you enjoy the content and that you look forward to future episodes.
And be sure to subscribe to our podcast so you'll never miss an episode. Please tell your friends, family, and fellow music lovers about Derringer Discoveries.
Your Sister's Room by Ho Jo Fro is the theme song for Derringer Discoveries and is available on most digital streaming platforms.
© 2022 | All Rights Reserved | Derringer Discoveries

Sunday Jul 31, 2022

Musicians from Italy to Los Angeles, California (US), debut on Turnip Music Radio's Top 25 for August 2022. Team Derringer (Paul, Laura, Dave, and Alton) recaps the TMR Top 25 Number One hits for 2022 and introduces you to the New York City based band that captured the coveted #1 spot on the Turnip Music Radio Top for August 2022.
For the second month in a row, Team Derringer is publishing the monthly Top 10 Countdown episode featuring song snippets and background information on the bands behind the top ten songs on the TMR Top 25 chart.
Each month, Derringer Discoveries publishes the Turnip Music Radio (TMR) Top 25 chart featuring new songs voted on by our Turnip Tillers (i.e., special listeners), as selected from our TMR Compelling & New playlist.
The songs on Compelling & New come to us three ways: (1) as direct submissions at our website; (2) as submissions via (UK), and (3) as recommendations made by our Turnip Tillers.
Anyone submitting a song recommendation for Compelling & New will need to first subscribe to our free newsletter, easily done at our website
The #1 song from each month for 2022 will become a finalist for Turnip Music Radio Song of the Year 2022. In December, we will submit a ballot to our Turnip Tillers containing the twelve #1 songs from 2022 and the Tillers will choose the winner.
If you want to become a Turnip Tiller, please apply at our website.
Send your comments to us at You can also find all our featured playlists, such as the Turnip Music Radio Top 25, on our website: While you’re there, please sign up for our free newsletter!
Please follow Derringer Discoveries wherever you listen to podcasts. Doing so lets us know that you enjoy our content and you'll never miss a future episode. Tell your friends, family, and fellow music lovers about Derringer Discoveries!
Indifference by Ho Jo Fro is the theme song for the TMR Top 10 Countdown and is available on most digital streaming platforms.
© Copyright 2022 | All Rights Reserved | Derringer Discoveries

Posthumously Prince (EP36)

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022

In this episode, Team Derringer discusses an artist that was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of his generation. With his death in April 2016 of a fentanyl overdose, Prince left his fans wondering if he could have ever reclaimed the pinnacle of success he enjoyed during the 1980s. Prince left behind a vault of unreleased music. Prospects of hidden gems reside in Prince’s vault – a literal vault of music beneath his Minneapolis-based Paisley Park Studios – which contains thousands - possibly tens of thousands - of unreleased songs.
Prince’s estate has already begun releasing music found in Prince’s vault. Team Derringer - Laura, Alton, Dave, and Paul - speculates on whether the music lives up to the Purple One’s high standards and whether any rare gems will be uncovered. The Team also weighs in on the re-packaged and re-released live music from Prince’s 1985 concert at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse, New York, “Prince and The Revolution: Live.” From there, the Team debates the merits of live vs. studio albums and each team member shares their favorite live album.
Finally, each member of Team Derringer reveals their favorite Prince song and discusses whether Prince ever Jumped the Shark and, subsequently, Crossed the Rubicon. All songs heard in this episode (except one) can be found on the corresponding Spotify playlist: “Posthumously: Prince.”
Let us know your favorite Prince song! Send your selection - or any feedback that you’d like to share - to You can also find all our featured playlists, such as the Turnip Music Radio Top 25 on our website. While you’re there, please sign up for our free newsletter!
Subscribe to Derringer Discoveries wherever you listen to podcasts. Doing so lets us know that you enjoy the content and look forward to future episodes. Tell your friends, family, and fellow music lovers about Derringer Discoveries.
Your Sister's Room by Ho Jo Fro is the theme song for Derringer Discoveries and is available on most digital streaming platforms.
© 2022 | All Rights Reserved | Derringer Discoveries

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022

Musicians from all over the globe are reppin' on Turnip Music Radio's Top 25 for July 2022.  This month's playlist features artists from Australia, the UK, Canada, and the US. 
Listen in as Team Derringer (Paul, Laura, Dave, and Alton) counts down the Top 10 songs from this month's crop of new music. Enjoy song snippets and witty banter as the team members announce the Top 10.
If you want to check out songs on the Turnip Music Radio Top 25 for July 2022, you'd better hurry!  Once the month has ended, the Top 25 playlist will be refreshed with a whole new batch of songs from artists the world over.
Starting this month, we are publishing a monthly Top 10 Countdown episode featuring song snippets and Team Derringer insights on the top ten songs on the TMR Top 25 chart.
Each month, Derringer Discoveries publishes the Turnip Music Radio (TMR) Top 25 chart featuring new songs voted on by our Turnip Tillers (i.e., special listeners), as culled from our TMR Compelling & New playlist.
The songs on Compelling & New come to us three ways: (1) as direct submissions at our website; (2) as submissions via (UK), and (3) as recommendations made by our Turnip Tillers.
Anyone submitting a song recommendation for Compelling & New will need to first subscribe to our free newsletter, easily done at our website
The #1 song from each month for 2022 will become a finalist for Song of the Year.  In December, we will submit a ballot to our Turnip Tillers containing the twelve #1 songs from 2022 and the Tillers will decide Song of the Year.
If you want to become a Turnip Tiller, please apply at our website.
Send your comments to us at You can also find all our featured playlists, such as the Turnip Music Radio Top 25, on our website: While you’re there, please sign up for our free newsletter!
Subscribe to Derringer Discoveries wherever you listen to podcasts. Doing so lets us know that you enjoy the content and look forward to future episodes. Tell your friends, family, and fellow music lovers about Derringer Discoveries.
Indifference by Ho Jo Fro is the theme song for the TMR Top 10 Countdown and is available on most digital streaming platforms.
© Copyright 2022 | All Rights Reserved | Derringer Discoveries

L.A. Women (EP35)

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022

In this episode, Team Derringer - Laura, Alton, Dave, and Paul - commemorates the recent 50th Anniversary re-release of The Doors' classic album: L.A. Woman.  Many listeners will readily know the hits from that album: "Love Her Madly" and "Riders on the Storm."  Plus, the catch phrase Mister mojo risin' from the title track.
But Derringer Discoveries decides to forego an exploration of The Doors in favor of focusing on an L.A. alternative rock band called Livingmore, featuring Alex Moore and Spencer Livingston, with Mike Schadel on drums.  Alex gave Derringer Discoveries two exclusive interviews, providing fascinating insight into Livingmore's songwriting process.
As a result, Livingmore supersedes The Doors, becoming the featured artist for Episode 35.  And Alex turns Team Derringer onto other L.A.-based recording artists, such as Jen de la Osa of the band Aloud and a Janis Joplin-esque rocker who goes by the moniker MAWD (real name Madeline Mathews).  Then, there's the other L.A.-based women who have been featured on playlists created and promoted by Derringer Discoveries and Turnip Music Radio.
In this episode, no one Jumps the Shark and no one Crosses the Rubicon.  Instead, today is a countdown of Team Derringers' five favorite songs by Livingmore, with commentary on each song provided by Alex.
As promised in the episode, we are including the link to the video of Livingmore's song, Little Bird:
All of the songs mentioned in this episode can be found on the accompanying Spotify playlist: L.A. Women.  "Liking" the playlist helps Derringer Discoveries and streaming the playlist generates royalties payable by Spotify to every artist featured on the playlist.
Send your comments to us at You can also find all our featured playlists, such as the Turnip Music Radio Top 25, on our website: While you’re there, please sign up for our free newsletter!
Subscribe to Derringer Discoveries wherever you listen to podcasts. Doing so lets us know that you enjoy the content and look forward to future episodes. Tell your friends, family, and fellow music lovers about Derringer Discoveries.
Your Sister's Room by Ho Jo Fro is the theme song for Derringer Discoveries and is available on most digital streaming platforms.
© Copyright 2022 | All Rights Reserved | Derringer Discoveries

Copyright 2024 | Derringer Discoveries | All Rights Reserved

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